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  Spartan got an update
Posted by: Rio - 09-05-2024, 01:54 AM - Forum: Minecraft Discussions - No Replies

Just felt like y'all should know

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  Why I should take over Smithtainment Gaming
Posted by: Rio - 09-05-2024, 01:38 AM - Forum: Spam Spam Spam - Replies (7)
09-05-2024, 01:54 AM

As you all know, I have been in the community for over a year now and feel like I am a likable person, there for I should take ownership from John Smithtainment himself and start Rio Gaming Network, effective immediately.

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  Development Log - PropHunt (VPH) - 8/31/2024
Posted by: Guushi - 08-31-2024, 10:34 PM - Forum: Development Logs - Replies (1)
09-05-2024, 01:38 AM

  • Added map "ph_chalet_sg". Hopefully it has 40 spawns.
  • Added new weapon skin crates for (SMG, Shotgun, Crowbar). These cost both normal and premium points.
  • Increased amount of points gained from pointprinter.
  • Increased minimal & maximum amount of points for betting.
  • MVP points increased. MVP will now only be rewarded when there are more than (12) players online.
  • Unstuck cooldown timer reduced from (10) > (8) seconds.
  • Veteran and Legend now has access to Kleiner only rounds. Just a reminder, to access kleiner only rounds simply type !kleiner in chat. VIP++ also has access.

Some of these changes are pending restart.

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  Minecraft Rules
Posted by: Reeb - 08-31-2024, 02:38 AM - Forum: Server Rules & Documents - No Replies
08-31-2024, 10:34 PM

Network Rules
The Smithtainment Gaming Network consists of several game servers. While each server has its own rules and staff members, the entire network also has its own independent rules.

Server-Specific Rules

You are expected to read and understand these rules. Ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable excuse.

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU NEED TO USE COMMON SENSE WHILE PLAYING ON OUR SERVER (unless you’re fooling around then tell the Administrators/Moderators). If there are very few people online we don’t care if you mess around as long as the people online agree.


  1. NO Griefing.
  2. NO bug abusing/exploiting/hacking.
  3. Do NOT disrespect/harass players or staff.
  4. Do NOT beg for items, ranks, or OP.
  5. Do NOT chat spam.
  6. Do NOT advertise other servers, gaming networks, etc.
  7. Do NOT disrespect players/staff.
  8. Do NOT TP trap players.
  9. Do NOT troll or be a toxic person in general.
  10. Do NOT have inappropriate usernames/nicknames.
  11. Do NOT impersonate staff in any way.
  12. Do NOT have inappropriate skins/buildings, etc.
  13. Do NOT claim land/build within 100 blocks of another claim/build w/o permission.
  14. Do NOT create or use anything that would or could cause significant amounts of lag.


The following actions may be taken in this order [unless violating a more serious offense]:
  • Players will receive warnings
  • Players will be kicked from the server
  • Players will be banned for up to a week
  • Players will be banned permanently
  • Bypassing a server ban can result in an IP ban

All rules are subject to change in the future, and more can be added in the future.

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  TTT Rules
Posted by: Reeb - 08-31-2024, 02:36 AM - Forum: Server Rules & Documents - No Replies
08-31-2024, 02:38 AM

Network Rules
The Smithtainment Gaming Network consists of several game servers. While each server has its own rules and staff members, the entire network also has its own independent rules.

Server-Specific Rules

You are expected to read and understand these rules. Ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable excuse.

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU NEED TO USE COMMON SENSE WHILE PLAYING ON OUR SERVER (unless you’re fooling around then tell the Administrators/Moderators). If there are very few people online we don’t care if you mess around as long as the people online agree.


  1. Do NOT Prop Kill, Prop Push, or Prop Launch. Even during the Pre-Round. Prop surfing is allowed as long as you don’t go to areas that can’t be accessed normally.
  2. Do NOT impersonate staff members or other players within the community.
  3. Do NOT disrespect other players or staff. Doing so can result in a ban without warning.
  4. Do NOT sexually harass anyone. Anytime someone tells you they are uncomfortable or if they ask you to stop, you need to stop. Failure to stop will result in a ban without warning.
  5. Do NOT RDM or otherwise known as “Random Deathmatch”. This is when you kill or attack players that are part of your team for no reason at all.
  6. Do NOT mic spam or chat spam. This includes having music playing through your microphone.
  7. Do NOT block doors or deny players access to any part of the map.
  8. Do NOT “Ghost/Metagame”. This includes using third party programs to give advantage outside of the game.
  9. Do NOT advertise another community, a third-party service, or a product. You are allowed to advertise your social media as long as it’s not done excessively.
  10. Do NOT kill on suspicion. You must always have a valid reason to kill someone. Saying you “think” you saw a person kill or shoot someone is not a good enough reason.
  11. Do NOT camp.
  12. Do NOT kill or damage AFK (Away From Keyboard) players. They will get placed in spectator automatically if they are AFK.
  13. Do NOT intentionally “goomba stomp” (land on the head of) other players of your team.
  14. Do NOT destroy or damage a Detectives Health Station. This is considered traitorous and is KOSable.
  15. Do NOT access areas on the map that are considered inaccessible by normal means.
  16. Do NOT false KOS as an Innocent or Detective. This will lead to a KOS (Kill on Sight) on you. If you do it excessively you will receive a warning.
  17. Do NOT excessively false KOS as a Traitor. As Traitor you are expected to kill players not KOS players. However, if you are being attacked by a player or said player has evidence of you being a traitor you can KOS them to distract the heat off you.
  18. Do NOT KOS your Traitor buddies. This is considered trolling and will lead to a warn or ban.
  19. Do NOT Traitor-Bait (T-Bait). Doing so gives players the rights to KOS you. If you T-Bait and it causes a train of deaths, you will receive a warning for each Innocent death you caused.
  20. Do NOT bend the T-Baiting rule. If a player is shooting at something like a wall or a tree they can be killed AFTER they are asked to stop IF they continue. If a player is shooting towards players or at players, they can be killed.
  21. Do NOT aid the enemy. This is when a traitor aids the innocents through gifting weapons, refusing to kill them, or other acts that delay and ruin the game by harming the player’s team intentionally. This can also be done by innocents if they refuse to kill a known traitor and aid them in completing traitor goals, such as by shielding them, refusing to reveal their traitorous acts, or other circumstances that intentionally ruin the game. If ALL Traitor buddies agree to killing a player last this is allowed as long as the innocent is not working with them directly.
  22. Do NOT throw discombobulator or incendiary grenades randomly as Innocent or Detective. Doing so can lead to a KOS. You will be warned if a player is damaged or killed.
  23. Do NOT force people to test. If you kill someone for not testing or if you KOS someone for not testing you will receive a warning.
  24. Do NOT sabotage the Map Traitor Tester As an Innocent or Detective. This includes damaging/destroying the tester or hiding the gold blocks on the “ttt_minecraft_b5” map. Doing so can lead to a KOS and a warn.
  25. Do NOT KOS someone for holding a Traitor weapon IF it is also in the pointshop.
  26. Do NOT KOS based on someones player model.
  27. Do NOT abuse donator commands or commands in general. You are limited to (1) map vote per map.
  28. Do NOT put bets / hits on other players in exchange for pointshop currency.
  29. Do NOT avoid punishment by leaving and rejoining the server in order to take off things like mutes and gags. Doing so will lead to a warn or possible ban.
  30. Usernames MUST have at least THREE consecutive English letters. You will be kicked if you refuse to change your name.
  31. Third-Party programs/cheating programs are NOT allowed.
  32. You MUST speak English via voice and text chat.
  33. You MUST warn your Traitor buddies before you throw explosive grenades, use traitorous equipment, or set off a Traitor Trap as for they might walk in to it unknowingly.
  34. You are to give THREE warnings before you shoot someone or kill someone for following you. This also applies if a player is chasing you with a prop.
  35. Breaking or getting rid of the diamond blocks on the map “ttt_minecraft_b5” is NOT a KOS. It is a secondary way to win the game. It can however make the player suspicious.
  36. Racism and/or bigotry will NOT be tolerated. This includes anything that’s considered racist or bigotry. This also applies to things such as sprays or links.
  37. RDMing DJ Memes is OK


The following actions may be taken in this order [unless violating a more serious offense]:
  • Plays will receive slays.
  • Players will receive warnings.
  • Players will be kicked from the server.
  • Players will be banned for up to a week
  • Players will be banned permanently.
  • Bypassing a server ban will result in a global ban.

All rules are subject to change in the future, and more can be added in the future.

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  TTT Appeal Information and Template
Posted by: Reeb - 08-28-2024, 04:44 AM - Forum: Applications & Appeals - No Replies
08-31-2024, 02:36 AM

Please read the following before posting your appeal. If you do not post your appeal in the correct place or using the correct format, your appeal may be delayed or denied! The required format and template are located below.

All Trouble in Terrorist Town appeals should be posted under the appeals section. Users can only see appeals that they have submitted, so this page may appear blank if you don't have an active ban or warn appeal.


Guidelines and Requirements

  • When posting an appeal do not be disrespectful towards the staff that warned or banned you. This will result in your appeal being denied. Depending on the severity, violators may lose their ability to appeal future bans or warns on the network.
  • Be as honest and sincere as you can. Try to include as much relevant information as possible.
  • Don't be afraid to own up to your mistakes. A much stronger appeal acknowledges the actions that led up to a ban or warning and demonstrates remorse.
  • Do not post a warn appeal if you were banned due to warnings. You should post a ban appeal instead.

Server, Global, or Network Bans
  • Most bans are the result of a server ban. These bans can be appealed immediately following a ban being issued.
  • Global or Network Bans should be appealed in the Global & Network Ban Appeals section.
  • If you are unsure of what type of ban you have, if your ban reason says "AUTOMATIC: Network Banned" you must submit your appeal in the Global & Network Ban Appeals section. If you see a reason behind your ban, you can submit an appeal here.

Required Format

Please paste the following format into your application. You should respond to all questions before submitting. Please put your answers where it says {Answer Here}.

1) What is your Steam ID?
{Answer Here}

2) What are you appealing? (Ban or Warn)
{Answer Here}

3) Who banned/warned you?
{Answer Here}

4) What is the reason for the ban/warning?
{Answer Here}

5) When were you banned/warned?
{Answer Here}

6) In as much detail as is required, why do you feel that your ban/warning should be removed?
{Answer Here}

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  Minecraft Appeal Information and Template
Posted by: Reeb - 08-28-2024, 04:44 AM - Forum: Applications & Appeals - No Replies
08-28-2024, 04:44 AM

Please read the following before posting your appeal. If you do not post your appeal in the correct place or using the correct format, your appeal may be delayed or denied! The required format and template are located below.

All Minecraft appeals should be posted under the appeals section. Users can only see appeals that they have submitted, so this page may appear blank if you don't have an active ban or warn appeal.


Guidelines and Requirements

  • When posting an appeal do not be disrespectful towards the staff that warned or banned you. This will result in your appeal being denied. Depending on the severity, violators may lose their ability to appeal future bans or warns on the network.
  • Be as honest and sincere as you can. Try to include as much relevant information as possible.
  • Don't be afraid to own up to your mistakes. A much stronger appeal acknowledges the actions that led up to a ban or warning and demonstrates remorse.
  • Do not post a warn appeal if you were banned due to warnings. You should post a ban appeal instead.

Server, Global, or Network Bans
  • Most bans are the result of a server ban. These bans can be appealed immediately following a ban being issued.
  • Global or Network Bans should be appealed in the Global & Network Ban Appeals section.
  • If you are unsure of what type of ban you have, if your ban reason says "Network Banned" or "Global Banned" you must submit your appeal in the Global & Network Ban Appeals section. If you see a reason behind your ban, you can submit an appeal here.

Required Format

Please paste the following format into your application. You should respond to all questions before submitting. Please put your answers where it says {Answer Here}.

1) What is your Minecraft username?
{Answer Here}

2) What are you appealing? (Ban or Warn)
{Answer Here}

3) Who banned/warned you?
{Answer Here}

4) What is the reason for the ban/warning?
{Answer Here}

5) When were you banned/warned?
{Answer Here}

6) In as much detail as is required, why do you feel that your ban/warning should be removed?
{Answer Here}

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  PropHunt Rules
Posted by: Reeb - 08-28-2024, 03:49 AM - Forum: Server Rules & Documents - No Replies
08-28-2024, 04:44 AM

Network Rules
The Smithtainment Gaming Network consists of several game servers. While each server has its own rules and staff members, the entire network also has its own independent rules.

Server-Specific Rules

You are expected to read and understand these rules. Ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable excuse.

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU NEED TO USE COMMON SENSE WHILE PLAYING ON OUR SERVER (unless you’re fooling around then tell the Administrators/Moderators). If there are very few people online we don’t care if you mess around as long as the people online agree.


  1. NO usage of racial slurs in a hateful or otherwise disrespectful way. Softer variants of a slur are given a verbal warning. If this continues, a permanent ban will be issued.
  2. Do NOT impersonate staff or players. This includes having a [STAFF] tag, [ADMIN] tag, etc.
  3. Do NOT disrespect players or staff. Doing this can result in a ban without warning.
  4. Do NOT chat spam or mic spam.
    • EXAMPLES: Having music playing through your mic, Singing into your mic, Being obnoxious in chat or voice, Shouting at your mic, Having your mic volume too high, Sending repetitive messages with the intent to be annoying.
  5. Do NOT deny players access to other parts of the map. EXAMPLES: Door Blocking (placing objects in front of a door), Door Locking (spamming “e” to prevent a door from opening), or Prop Blocking (placing objects in a corridor with malicious intent).
  6. Do NOT ghost. This includes giving a living player information that they wouldn’t already know. This includes using third-party chat software or an in-game method to share information.
  7. Do NOT self-advertise in a malicious way. This includes attempting to drive players away from our community by advertising another server or network.
    • Does NOT include steam names (unless it is an IP address or an explicit invitation to join that server/network).
    • YouTube and Twitch are FINE as long as you aren’t spamming via voice/text OR if it’s not directly advertising another gaming network/discord. If you wish to advertise your YouTube or Twitch we have a discord in which you can do so.
  8. Users MUST join with 3 consecutive English characters or 3 consecutive characters that can be interpreted in English (If a user has less than 3 characters then they must have a MAJORITY of acceptable characters).
  9. Do NOT exploit the map to get to areas that would be otherwise unreachable.
    • This rule applies to all servers except True PropHunt. On True PropHunt, a spot may be outside the map and legal as long as the spot is within shooting distance of the map and visible from inside the boundaries of the map.
  10. Do NOT intentionally disrupt or hinder gameplay.
  11. Do NOT use third-party programs to cheat, hack, or abuse the mechanics of the game.
  12. This is an English-speaking network. You MUST speak and use English exclusively on our platforms.
  13. Do NOT abuse any commands that come with a rank you have earned/purchased.
  14. Do NOT harass players or staff.
  15. Sprays CANNOT contain pornography of any kind, racial slurs, or otherwise distasteful content.
  16. Do NOT intentionally leave the server to avoid punishment.
  17. Do NOT post any links in the chat. The reasoning behind this is that people can send out malicious links such as viruses/malware, porn, etc.
  18. All live streams must have a 5-minute delay to prevent ghosting IF you are streaming on our TTT or Prop Hunt servers. You do not need a delay on our current other ones, however.


The following actions may be taken in this order [unless violating a more serious offense]:
  • Players will receive warnings
  • Players will be kicked from the server
  • Players will be banned for up to a week
  • Players will be banned permanently
  • Bypassing a server ban can result in an IP ban

All rules are subject to change in the future, and more can be added in the future.

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  Global Rules
Posted by: Reeb - 08-28-2024, 03:48 AM - Forum: Important Documents - No Replies
08-28-2024, 03:49 AM

This list of rules applies to all of the Network's servers. Please read this list to ensure that you are following all of these rules while playing on our servers.

  • NO usage of racial or bigotry slurs. Softer variants of a slur are given a verbal warning. If continued, punishment will be given out. Usage of racist slurs such as the hard ER will result in an immediate permanent ban without warning.
  • Do NOT impersonate staff or players. This includes having a [STAFF] tag, [ADMIN] tag, etc.
  • Do NOT disrespect players or staff. Doing this can result in a ban without warning.
  • Do NOT chat spam or mic spam. EXAMPLES: Having music playing through your mic, singing into your mic, being obnoxious in chat or voice, shouting at your mic, having your volume up too high, and sending repetitive messages with the intent to be annoying.
  • Do NOT deny players access to other parts of the map. EXAMPLES: Door Blocking (placing objects in front of a door), Door Locking (spamming "e" to prevent a door from opening), or Prop Blocking (placing objects in a corridor with malicious intent).
  • Do NOT ghost. This includes giving a living player information that they wouldn't already know. This includes using third-party chat software or an in-game method to share information.
  • Do NOT self-advertise in a malicious way. This includes attempting to drive players away from our community by advertising another server or network. Does NOT include steam names (unless it is an IP address or an explicit invitation to join that server/network). YouTube and Twitch are FINE as long as you aren't spamming via voice/text OR if it's not directly advertising another gaming network/discord. If you wish to advertise your YouTube or Twitch we have a discord in which you can do so.
  • Users MUST join with with a name that can be interpreted in English. The name must be able to be referenced in both text and voice chat:
      • Ⓡⓔⓔⓑ
      • H3LL0
      • qǝǝɹ
      • 色调
      • مسحة
  • Do NOT exploit the map to get to areas that would be otherwise unreachable. (Applies to all servers except TPH!)
  • Do NOT exploit or abuse game mechanics and items. If you have found a possible exploit, report it immediately to a staff member or our support discord.
  • Do NOT intentionally disrupt or hinder gameplay.
  • Do NOT use third-party programs to cheat, hack, or abuse the mechanics of the game.
  • This is an English-speaking network. You MUST speak and use English exclusively on our platforms. If you are speaking another language you will be asked to speak English.
  • Do NOT abuse any commands that come with a rank you have earned/purchased.
  • Do NOT harass players or staff.
  • Sprays CANNOT contain pornography of any kind, racial slurs, or otherwise distasteful content.
  • Do NOT intentionally leave the server to avoid punishment.
  • Do NOT post any links in the chat. The reasoning behind this is that people can send out malicious links such as viruses/malware, porn, etc.
  • All live streams must have a 5-minute delay to prevent ghosting IF you are streaming on our TTT or PropHunt servers. You do not need a delay on our current other ones, however.
Rules are subject to change at any given time without warning. It is up to the server staff team to implement these rules and update their handbooks. Penalties will be handled on a server-to-server basis.

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  Spray Guidelines
Posted by: Reeb - 08-28-2024, 03:44 AM - Forum: Important Documents - No Replies
08-28-2024, 03:48 AM

Spray Tutorial
If you need help getting your sprays to work we have created a google doc and video tutorial for you.

Last Modified 4/12/2023
  • Do NOT use sprays with any sounds/music in inaccessible areas (such as the skybox). This also includes spraying in spectator. Failure to remove the spray after being verbally warned will result in a spray ban.
  • Do NOT use sprays that are invisible WITH sounds. Sometimes when spraying on the ground or in certain areas this will happen. Failure to remove the spray after being verbally warned will result in a spray ban.
  • Do NOT spray racist, sexist, anti-religious, homophobic, or otherwise hateful/offensive content. This includes sounds/music. Failure to remove the spray after being verbally warned will result in a spray ban.
  • Do NOT spray ANY NSFW sprays. This includes sprays that contain nudity, are sexually suggestive, or pornographic in any way. This also includes sounds/music. Failure to remove the spray after being verbally warned will result in a spray ban.
  • Do NOT use sprays to have an advantage over another player. There is currently a bug that makes the player’s name go invisible when sprayed over top of them. Failure to listen after being verbally warned will result in a spray ban and possible punishment for bug abuse. To avoid this it’s best if you spray on walls. (TTT Specific Rule)
  • Do NOT constantly re-spray sprays to be annoying. Failure to remove the spray after being warned will result in a spray ban.
  • Do NOT use sprays as a method of advertising another community or product. Social media such as Youtube, Twitch, TikTok, etc is fine, however. Advertising another community will result in an immediate spray ban with a possible server ban.
  • Do NOT spray excessively loud or annoying sprays. Failure to remove the spray after being verbally warned will result in a spray ban.
  • Do NOT use sprays that mimic the sound of in-game items like the C4. Failure to remove the spray after being verbally warned will result in a spray ban. (TTT Specific Rule)
  • Sprays depicting Child Pornography, Explicit Art of a child, or ANY sexually suggestive acts of a child WILL result in a network ban and a report to the authorities.

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