This by no means is an exhaustive list of the staff and their abilities, but this post is meant to provide some transparency regarding how the forums are managed.
Forums Staff Roles
Administrators: Forum Administrators are users who have the ability to manage threads and replies. They have the ability to publish important announcements. This role is generally given to the network's owner, network managers, and other personnel who maintain the forums.
Current Forum Administrators:
- Guushi (Network Owner)
- Interlatist (Network Manager)
- Reeb (Local Forums Nerd)
Moderators: Forum Moderators are able to lock/delete posts and create/edit discussions. This role is usually given to Head Administrators and Global Administrators.
Current Forum Moderators:
Other Staff Roles
Staff: The Staff role is given to all server and network staff members. This role is only symbolic and only serves as a way to distinguish staff from regular users.
Developer: The Developer role is given to developers who can create and edit development logs. This role is not given out to all of the network's developers. Please check the support discord for a full list of all of Smithtainment's active developers.